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27 February 2024

Unlocking the Power of Google Pay & Apple Pay with Till Ecosystem

In the world of eCommerce, the perfect payments stack might just be the key to helping your business gain a competitive edge. A well-designed payment flow with access to the digital payment methods that your customers prefer can play a critical role in delivering a seamless checkout and return sales. That’s why Till’s solutions offer direct integration to some of the most popular digital payment methods available today, including Google Pay and Apple Pay.   

In this article, learn about the benefits of integrating Google Pay and ApplePay into your checkout and discover just how simple it is to get it up and running for your business.  

Why integrate Google Pay and Apple Pay into your payment stack? 

1.     Expands accessibility. 

For today’s consumers, the ability to pay with digital wallets like Google Pay and Apple Pay is more than a convenience—it's a necessity. For instance, a recent Roy Morgan study revealed that Apple Pay has now become the third most widely used digital payment service in Australia. This statistic alone highlights the growing preference for digital wallets among consumers. 

2.     Enhances customer experience. 

The integration of Google Pay and Apple Pay with Till's Payment Links or Online Checkout not only caters to customer preferences but also significantly streamlines the payment process. This integration leads to a smoother, faster checkout experience, reducing the likelihood of abandoned carts and improving the overall customer experience. 

3.     Secure & trusted.  

With the rise of online transactions, security concerns are front-and-centre. Google Pay and Apple Pay are equipped with advanced payment security features, like tokenisation, NFC, biometric validation and EMV technology, which offers end-to-end encryption for transactions. Additionally, as the global leaders in innovation, Google and Apple are constantly on the front foot of emerging security risks to ensure safe and secure transactions for s and their end customers.  

Effortless integration with Till 

Integrating Google Pay and Apple Pay with your payment system is straightforward with Till. We provide easy-to-follow guides – like this one for Google Pay – that help you add these payment methods to your existing setup without any hassle.  

Then, once you’re all set up and ready to take your first Apple Pay or Google Pay payment, you can rest assured that your team at Till is on call for continuous support to ensure that the integration process is as smooth as possible. You can send support queries any time you need via the Till Help Centre, or get in touch with our friendly Customer Support team, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Benefits for your business 

Increased sales & improved customer loyalty  

By integrating Google Pay and Apple Pay, you can offer your customers a more convenient way to pay while catering to a wider audience, naturally increasing the potential for sales. Convenient features, like auto-filled checkout with just one click, encourages swift purchases and repeat business. 

Meanwhile, offering preferred payment options like Google Pay and Apple Pay, and delivering a seamless checkout experience has the potential to enhance customer loyalty. Customers are more likely to return to merchants that offers a hassle-free payment experience. According to a PYMNTS and Checkout.com study from 2022, 91% of those surveyed said that the checkout experience significantly impacts whether or not they will shop at the same merchant again.    

All in all… 

In a market where every detail counts, offering popular digital payment options like Google Pay and Apple Pay can set you apart from the competition.  

Till is committed to helping you make the integration process as smooth and seamless as possible. Get in touch today to find out how we can help you unlock the benefits of Google Pay and Apple Pay for your business.